Saturday 5 February 2011

1st Month of 2011 gone

Hey Blog,

Yep the first month of 2011 is gone, 11 months to go.

I've been thinking a lot about what I am going to do about this blog, regarding structure, number of posts, types of posts...all that kind of thing. So what devised is I do a Monthly random posts, sort of an life update for me. As much as I love typing posts, I admit I don't have the attention span to type a blog post everyday or every week. So I'll just be posting these life updates every month...unless I have some urge to post something interesting in one random day.

How I've been doing? Well...I've been ok, life hasn't slowed down. It's going at a nice pace...with a smooth transition from the Xmas holidays to the start of the School Term (Work: That is all the I am giving away for my work)

So on the work side it's been great, constant work kept me busy. However on the other side; This is referring to the leisure side of things. It has been frustrating, as much I tried to have fun, in my games. But when I try to get my friends online involved, it seemed like the general mood for all of us was a bit like....a yo-yo. (If you get me?)

So, I've decided to take a week or longer off the online games, and Isolate myself to give myself some alone time to....reflect, and enjoy myself. Maybe some Animes to catch up. Ugh! I've got loads of series to catch up especially the ones from Winter 2010 and then I've got the upcoming Spring 2011 (and there is usually a lot released around this time). Then I've got some Xbox 360 Games, PC games and.....hmmm.....oh! Some manga for me to read, (yep I still have some manga that I bought, but haven't had the time to read them.). What else? Hmm....*Sees his guitars behind him* Ah!! My guitars and piano, I can practice some songs as well. See? All is not lost in this Isolation! I'll have so much to do for my isolation time that I wouldn't even notice it! YAY!!

*Notices one other thing, failed to mention* Of course, the blog!! I have loads of 'My Life' posts to do and updates. So there we have it, despite my turbulent time on my MMO Game, I have loads of other things to do. Man, it feels like I am planning a holiday or something like that....I know, kinda pathetic. 

Anyway, I'll keep the posts coming and of course the 'My Life' posts, and possibly so other posts as well. 

We shall see, anyway This is the Keanes's February Blog Update Signed and posted!

Monday 31 January 2011

My life: Video Games Part 1

Well hello Blog,

It time to reveal one of my passions in life in more detail, and that is Video Games.

Almost like my own expect I had a blue Controller.
Now where did it all began? It began from a family trip to Florida. We were going to see Disney World in Orlando, and also visit my Aunt (Mother-side) and Uncle. We stayed in there house, and at their television sat a Nintendo 64. At first it I didn't know what it was, and my uncle explained it was. So he set it up and let me play on a game called Mario Kart 64.

This was the colour of my Gameboy Pocket.
Within minutes of playing it, my life was changed. Like all gamers, I couldn't get enough of playing that console. If I recall properly, my aunt saw me, wanting that game, so what she did before me and my family flew back, she bought me a Gameboy Pocket in Green, plus a game (That I don't remember unfortuately. And that was my first video console that I ever owned.

Around the time of my 8th Birthday, I asked for my own N64 with the game that I know that wanted: Mario Kart 64. He he! Like all parents, they had no clue where to get it. (*sighs* Typical Parents)
Ah now I remember...sort of. It was, when we were in a department store called Allders (If folks from London can remember that store) anyway, we were on the TV and Video section of the Store and I saw the N64 and I asked for it, and like all parents say to 8 year old children, 'On your Birthday'. So they managed to get it and that's how I started my Video Game life.

'The Game' (My first love)

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Christmas Time

Hello again, a belayed Happy New Year 2011

it's been a few weeks since the Christmas season.

Christmas comes and goes once again..... *sighs* It seems that I wasn't in a festive mood this year, no family around as usual. Presents are just meagre ones. (Not that I don't appreciate it), the food this year as well, doesn't lift my spirits...

I've been searching in my head over the reason why I don't feel in the mood for this Christmas. I usually feel festive every year....but this year *Aeroplane crashing noise* It hasn't come to me.

So what came in to mind, in terms of the cause of my downbeat mood over this Christmas and the new year. It could be possible that it's the end of my Xmas job? Maybe because I had a fight with my friends very recently? or maybe I just want feeling up for Christmas?

I suppose that it wasn't an exciting time this year, because usually I'm all happy and energetic during Christmas.

Probably it was the presents, I mean I asked for a new shirt and I got one, plus some money. I suppose I was so used to surprises over the past years, but now since I am an adult for like a year. I have to do things myself....*sighs* Life is harsh isn't it?

Thursday 23 December 2010

First one.

Hello blog,

This is the Keanes, I am going to spill everything what I have in my where to begin. 

Ah self introduction, I like Games...heh I am a gamer. I was gamer since I was 7 years old, thanks to my Uncle's N64 and Mario Kart. But I will get to more detail later.

I love Anime and Manga, I discovered it at a young age, which I believe it's DragonBall Z or Pokemon (Yeah I know >.< but hey I was only 9 at the time and what do you expect from a 9 year old). Well that was Anime being discovered.

But for the Manga, it wasn't until I was 15 when I discovered a book while I was in California visiting Family for Christmas around 2006, I saw a book with a few cartoon girls in swimwear (I know, I was 15 at the time...stupid Teenage Hormones) The manga book was titled 'Love Hina' of course I thought It looked like some Cartoon Porn book (Heh, get your mind out of the gutter) But to keep this as a short story, I eventually found it again when I was back home in the UK, in a bookstore and that's how I started to build out on my interest.

So what now....oh! Fanfiction.....yes This was a hobby of mine since I was 13 to read this....I believe it started from Beyblade, then jumped to Harry Potter and now to my various Anime/Manga Series. I tend to be the romantic person. But hey I love it....even though I'm a guy....yeah.

So personality, I've discovered that I like talking to people, socialising with people, and making friends. I'm somewhat a nice person to get along with. I tend to play the diplomat at times, so I do tend to get to be the target of all the bad stuff that happens in a friendship or a group of friends. But I try to make everyone happy, so I do my absolute best, I do admit that I'm not perfect cause I do tend to slip up by accidentally saying something things (Which can be insulting and rude, without intending to). But my problem is that I wear my Heart on my sleeve at times, so that is a problem that I'm trying to sort out.

Now, on to...mushy things. I am a big romantic person, I do love the things in romantic stories, so I'm not exactly the guy who just wants a quick sex or a one night stand with a girl, if I was going that far, I rather get to know the girl before I plan to do it. Sounds mushy doesn't it? But that's what I am, so if you see my later posts about love, romance or sex, be warned that I am a mushy guy, if you know what I mean.

Ok, I think that's all of my self-introduction.

This is a small part of what I think in my mind, so can you handle my thinking?

If you can, then continue reading. If not? Then I'm sorry for wasting your time. But I'm gonna continue posting stuff on here.

So, Welcome to 'A Mixed Mind' (Otherwise, My Thoughts)