Saturday 5 February 2011

1st Month of 2011 gone

Hey Blog,

Yep the first month of 2011 is gone, 11 months to go.

I've been thinking a lot about what I am going to do about this blog, regarding structure, number of posts, types of posts...all that kind of thing. So what devised is I do a Monthly random posts, sort of an life update for me. As much as I love typing posts, I admit I don't have the attention span to type a blog post everyday or every week. So I'll just be posting these life updates every month...unless I have some urge to post something interesting in one random day.

How I've been doing? Well...I've been ok, life hasn't slowed down. It's going at a nice pace...with a smooth transition from the Xmas holidays to the start of the School Term (Work: That is all the I am giving away for my work)

So on the work side it's been great, constant work kept me busy. However on the other side; This is referring to the leisure side of things. It has been frustrating, as much I tried to have fun, in my games. But when I try to get my friends online involved, it seemed like the general mood for all of us was a bit like....a yo-yo. (If you get me?)

So, I've decided to take a week or longer off the online games, and Isolate myself to give myself some alone time to....reflect, and enjoy myself. Maybe some Animes to catch up. Ugh! I've got loads of series to catch up especially the ones from Winter 2010 and then I've got the upcoming Spring 2011 (and there is usually a lot released around this time). Then I've got some Xbox 360 Games, PC games and.....hmmm.....oh! Some manga for me to read, (yep I still have some manga that I bought, but haven't had the time to read them.). What else? Hmm....*Sees his guitars behind him* Ah!! My guitars and piano, I can practice some songs as well. See? All is not lost in this Isolation! I'll have so much to do for my isolation time that I wouldn't even notice it! YAY!!

*Notices one other thing, failed to mention* Of course, the blog!! I have loads of 'My Life' posts to do and updates. So there we have it, despite my turbulent time on my MMO Game, I have loads of other things to do. Man, it feels like I am planning a holiday or something like that....I know, kinda pathetic. 

Anyway, I'll keep the posts coming and of course the 'My Life' posts, and possibly so other posts as well. 

We shall see, anyway This is the Keanes's February Blog Update Signed and posted!

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