Tuesday 18 January 2011

Christmas Time

Hello again, a belayed Happy New Year 2011

it's been a few weeks since the Christmas season.

Christmas comes and goes once again..... *sighs* It seems that I wasn't in a festive mood this year, no family around as usual. Presents are just meagre ones. (Not that I don't appreciate it), the food this year as well, doesn't lift my spirits...

I've been searching in my head over the reason why I don't feel in the mood for this Christmas. I usually feel festive every year....but this year *Aeroplane crashing noise* It hasn't come to me.

So what came in to mind, in terms of the cause of my downbeat mood over this Christmas and the new year. It could be possible that it's the end of my Xmas job? Maybe because I had a fight with my friends very recently? or maybe I just want feeling up for Christmas?

I suppose that it wasn't an exciting time this year, because usually I'm all happy and energetic during Christmas.

Probably it was the presents, I mean I asked for a new shirt and I got one, plus some money. I suppose I was so used to surprises over the past years, but now since I am an adult for like a year. I have to do things myself....*sighs* Life is harsh isn't it?

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